Second-hand smoke problems 
in offices network in Japan

Look the papers below.

Designated "no smoking" areas provide from partial to no protection from environmental tobacco smoke
Airport smoking rooms don’t work

Look the article below.
Shutting the Door on ETS Leakage


Findings of the technical feasability study on Smoking rooms

Ventilations and designated smoking rooms do not prevent exposure to second0phand tobacco smoke.

Evidences show us that the right way to avoid second-hand smoke is to prohibit smoking perfectly in buildings. Kawamura also confirmed in the field that there are leakages from heavily depressurized smoking rooms just by opening and closing the sliding door ,and entering and exiting of smokers.
We must not to admit building smoking rooms.Those are wrong mesures, not based on scientific evidences . We must aim at 100% indoor smoke-free..

Our assertations have been regarded as absurdities.
We are stepping forward to change Japan.

Topics on health

About avian influenza(updated on Mar 25th,2006)

About BSE

About SARS.

Streptococcus suis in China(2005.8.6)


Korea started new law. Smoking is now prohibited in bars, restaurants and coffee shops nationwide that are 150 sq. m or larger..(2012.12.10)

Leaving smoking at large, it became clear in Edogawa city in the statistics that life expectancy was very low and number of cancer is large. But mayor has no intention to stop smoking.(2012.8.28)

M. Tada ,Edogawa mayor, again refused to ban smoking in goverment office buildings. Some officers said to Mr.Kawamura ,"you are carzy. In orde to cure your brain, you must go into Fukushi No1 Atomc Plant" (2012.5.30)

M. Tada ,Edogawa mayor, again decided to allow smoking in goverment office buildings.(2012.2.29)

"Fearing radiation with smoking in Japan" from Finandial Times.(2010.6.24)

11th annuall meeting was held (2011.6.4)

in June please make inquiry for details.(2011.5.10),

Mr. Tada who insisits that second-hand smoking causes no health risks was again elected to Edogawa city mayor by majority.(2011.4.30)

China will start new smoking ban rule from May 1st.(2010.54.30)

Accoding to Japanese study, the health effect of passive smoking si almost the same as 100mSv radiation exposure,,in Fukushima nuclear accidents' case, above 20mSv exposure is a legally binding evacuatinon zone, passive smoking is more dangerous.(2011.4.24)

Govener of Tokyo,Shintaro Ishihara carry out an election campaign to take measures against second-hand smoking.(2011.3.29)

China will lfgislate indoor smoking ban throughout the country.(2011.3.24)

Shibuya ward set down caountermesures against passive smoking (25million JPY)in budget for the coming year.The first in Tokyo 23 special ward.(2011.2.22)

Times square, Central park etc will be smoke-free, from New York.(2011.2.3)

Japanese supreme court again O.K'd smoking in workplace.Crazy!(2010.12.7)

Sad to say,Japanese Health ministry will leagally O.K. smoking in workplaces in order to protect tobacco industry(2010.12.6)

Tokyo's government officer reveale , "Why we won't ristrict smoking,, because we don't want to affect tobacco tax. revenue. and have to protect tobacco industry."(2010.11.25)

Verdict ordering to pay 80M to tobacco company. for health damages.(2010.11.18)

Chiharu Matsuyama. Japanese famouos pop singer, vowed to continue smoking.(2010.11.18)

Jay zhou, Asian pop King, promoted ant-smoking in Taiwan.(2010.11.18)

Poland starts new smoking ban.(2010.11.18)

Spain, famous for smoking, will change to smoke-free(2010.11.1)

Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly O.K'd smoking, in public places(2010.11.1).

Haerbin city, China announced new smoke-free law. Possibility that smoking will be banned ncluding Restaurants.(2010.10.27)

Tokyo assembly denied petition for smoke-free. Tokyo is smoker's paradise(2010.10.8)

Mr. Kawamura got the official answer from Edogawa city mayor, Masami Tada, saying that passive smokign is not dangerous and no need to make government office buildings smoke-free Very different from Japanese press releses.(2010.10.6)

Guang zhou China has introduced new smoking ban.(2010.10.5)

In Requesting a Review for smoke-free, Edogawa city mayor put up final resisitence. He again rejected requests for smoke-free govenment buildings (.2010.9.2)

Iwase, deputy governor of Tokyo Metropolitan firmly insists on promoting smoking.(2010.9.24)

Japanese government plannning to make law to O.K. smoking in hospitality industris Our request was rejected again..(2010.8.8)

Chiyoda and Sumida city assemblies in Tokyo rejected petitions for smoke-free(2010.8.8)

Beijing city will make strickt smoking ban. Possbly new law introduced next year.(2010.7.8)

Oktoberfest will be smokefree by referendum in Deutchland.(2010.7.5)

Tokyo High court deneid the requests for bannning smoking in .court buildings. Wha t a shame!(20106.15)

10th general meeting was held on 29th May 2010, in Tokyo.Mr.Kawamura declaeed "Yes,we can change.".

According to study of Aichi prefectural government, there was no remarkable differences in restaurants' sales after beco,ming smoke-free also in Japan.(2010.5.26)

China will go further to be smoke-free.(2010.5.10)

Receiving Mr. Kawamura's litigation against Edogawa city on smoking ban in government buildings, this time ,Mayer possibly has no choice to admitt. smoking ban.(2009.3.26)

China will ban smoking next year.(2010.3.4)

Japanese supreme court rulled that workers have no righs to demand smoke-free workplaces, even if they diganosed as malady caused by secondhand smokinga ans denied the leagal force of FTCT in Japan..(2009.1.21)

Beijing city will possibly order 100% inddor smoke-free.(2009.12.11)

Apple denied to repair smoker's mac because of biohazard.(2009.11.25)

Hokkaido district court rulled that employees have no right to demand smoke-free workplace, and must tolerate smoking.(2009.11.3)

Tokyo high court turned down our request to make the office buildings smoke-free, they told that rhe rights of smokers must be respected.(2009.8.15)

Shanhai city will legisrate non-smoking act.(2009.8.8)

Tokyo high court ruled that there is no danger in second hand smoking and admited the right of workpkace.(2009.7.28)

Shanghai Expo's China pavilion finally decided to refuse donation from tobacco company in regard of observing FTCT.(2009.7.23)

Liberal Democratic Party of Japan will promise to abolish tobacco company protection law.(2009.7.23)

Tokyo district court ruled that second-hand smoke would not cause disieses. and Edogawa ward could allow smoking.(2009.6.25)

The 9th General meeting was held on 30th May. in Tokyo.

Tokyo High court authorized that Kawamura's uttarance that Mayor Tada should not relate to Japan Tobacco Company was defamation.(2006.3.24)

Edogawa ward mayor Masami Tada refused Kawamura'srequest to work under smoke-free environment again although Kawamura was diagnosed as passive smoke disease. Kawamura is likely to fell down.(2006.3.24)

Expert said that Dana Reeve was typical of non-smokers who fall victim to lung cancer contracted through passive smoking.

The headquarters building of Japanese ministry of Healht ,Labour and Welfare will be total-banned smoking at last(2006.03.09)

A Australian is gong to travel all over Japan on foot to appeal "no-smoking is love".(2006.02.27)

Tjimi city Gifu prefecture started to subsidize Medicol care for nonage to quit smoking.(2006.02.27)

China made the remarks at a meeting on the implementation of the World Health Organisation's Framework Convention on Tobacco Contro that China will restrict tobacco more strictly and try to make the Bejing Olympics smoke-free.(2006.02.09)

Masami Tada, Mayor of Edogawa ward answed in the assebly that it was my proud not to restrict tobacco.(2006.2.4)

Oregon court uphold verdict of punitive damages against Philip Morris(2006.2.3)

Kawamura submited a complaint under the 1503 procedure about passivesmoking environment in Edogawa ward office buigings(2006.2.3)

Moriyuki Kato, governor of Ehime prefecture smoked in hospital where smoking is anned. Ashtray was served by the hospital.This kind of man can be a governor ,this is Japanese woeful situation(2006.1.19)

Moriyuki Kato Governor of Ehime

New smoking rules went into effect in Chicaga,U.S.A(2006.1.19)

The Smoke Free Places Act took effect in Alberta from Jan. 1 in Alberta Canada(2006.1.19)

New Jersy (U.S.A)is to be smoke-free state,too.(2006.1.15)

Capital of U.S.A. will be smoke-free(2006.1.5)

Judge Akira Chino (Tokyo district court) ordered Kawamura to work under passive smoking in spite of university hosipial proffssor's medical cetificate saying that he must work under smoke-free because of passive smoking disease. The court said that whether passive smoking was harmful or not was not yet medically testified. Edogawa ward Mayor Masami Tada insisted that passive smoking is not harmful. (2005.12.25)

Edogawa ward assembly did not adopt Kawamura's petition for measurments for asbestos,because they thought it was unlikely to practice.(2005.12.10)

Edogawa ward cut Kawamura's pay because he became passive smoking disease(2005.12.10)

Indoor total ban and outdoor smoking room in Ngano prefectual office.(The purpose is to prptect from passive smoking outside)

Passive smoking is possible for those working where smoking is still allowed and those working where smoke may migrate from outdoor areas.(2005.12.1)

Japanese health insurance system may cover programs to help nicotine addicts give up smoking,now under debate.(2005.11.10)

Nagano prefecture is now promoting smoke-free restaurant.They started smoke-free restaurant registration system.Only perfect smoke-free restaurant can be registered. (2005.11.3)

Newly-elected members of Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP) of the House of representatives .decided to propose to ban smoking in meetings of LDP.(2005.10.19)

China ratified FCTC(2005.10.11)

17 States in U.S.A bans Smoking in Home to Protect Children (2005.8.6)

Kawamura made a petition to Edogawa ward for countermeasures on asbestos. But Edogawa ward have been putting presure on Kawamura.(2005.8.6)(Witten in Japanes only)

TV ads "Everyone Loves a Quitter" from NYC.(2005.7.23)

The City of New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has distributed 45,700 nicotine patch kits, reaching nearly one out of every 12 of New York City's heavy smokers as part of its latest nicotine patch program(2005.7.23)

Nonsmoker Wins Damages From Smoking Neighbor (Link to "ASH" 2005.7.23)

Ontario,Canada banned on smoking in cars with kids(2009.1.21),

Japanese will-be the first anti-smoke ordinance has been emasculated with proposer's own hand, before submittting to assembly.(2009.1.18)

JR Tokai train stations to be banned smoking but in Shinkansen it is still wellcomed.(2009.1.18)

Taiwa kicked off smoke-free law, today(2009.1.11)

Singapore government will extend smoking ban to within 5 metres of the entrances or exit.(2008.12.12)

smoking at all Tokyo stations will be total banned from April(2008.12.12)

Shanghai Expo. can be smoke-free.(2008.12.6)

Shangahai city will expand smoking ban over workplace.(in Chinese)(2008.11.26)

India to ban indoor smoking from Oct 2.(2008.9.3)

Mr. Kawamura's experience in smoke free-U.K.(2008.8.17)

Mr. Gates will enter a war on Anti-smoking side.(2008.7.24)

Major Hollywood studios have agreed to place antismoking on DVD.(2008.7.12)

Beijing city acknowledgeed 114 restaurants as smoke-free.They aim at 1,000 till the end of this year.(2008.7.12)

Six months after smoke-free act in France, it is manners and customes now. Ecoomic impact is not found.(2008.6.20)

Shengyang city, China decided to fine offender 50JMP for violation against new no-smoking act in order to realize smoke-free Olympic.(2008.6.19)

Beijing Olympic swimming stadium "Shui Li Fang"is 100% smoke-free. Carring lilighter is prohibited.(2008.6.19)

Heart attack admissions decreased by 40% after smoking ban(2008.6.14)

2008 General meeting was held on May.31th (2008.6.1)

India is plannnig to kick off smoking in five cities by 2010.(2010.5.31)

Taiwan will start smoke-free from law next JAn. 11th.(2008.5.30)

Guanghou city, hina will ban smoking in public spaces till 2010.(2008.5.19)

Smoking is not a human right , rulling in U.K.(2008.5.28)

U.K. government is considering a ban on cigarette vending machines, removing cigarettes from display in shops and outlawing the sale of packets of 10.(2008.5.26)

It turened out that Shenyang city would order smoking-ban to all restaurants and hotels the same as Beijing.(2008.5.23)

Shengyang city(Olympic soccer site) , Lioning province, China will kick off smoking-ban including relevent restaurants..(2008.5.22)

The New York City smoking rate is the lowest in more than 50 years.(2008.5.20)

Beijing city's restaurants associations call for smoke-free Olympic and completion of smoke-free restaurants till 2010.(2008.5.13)

After smoking ban, fires reduced by half in Beijing city.(2009.5.9)

Some companieies in Japan are employing policies to ban smoking on their premises and employ only non-smokers.(2008.5.8)

Surprise inspections are made on smoking ban in Beijing.. A restaurant was warned to be fined for the first time.(2008.5.7)

In Beijing's web site web page on smoking ban is uploaded.(2008.5.5)

Beijing's anti-smoke law has went into effect. Inspectors patroled Dong lai shun restarurant in Wang fu jing(2008.5.1)

Shanghai's smoking-ban act endorces citizens wrightes to take pictures of offenders?

Beijing said at news cnference tha they would start anti-smoke law with 1,000 supervisers and aime 100% smoke-free within three years.(2008.4.24)

Beijing will starts to kick smoking from May 1st. The law was officially issued yesterday.(2008.4.11 in Chinse)

Shangahai city, China started smoke-free street including restarurants etc for testing at Nanjing St,(2008.4.3)

Matsdo City , Chiba prefecture decided to ban staffs' smoking in thier office hours, after a citizen had sought au audit. on staffs' smoking(2008.3.29)

Beijing city issued leglation plan, in that, smoking-ban act will be effect in May.

Above news in English

Shanghai city adressed that they would enact indoor smoking-ban act till Shangahai Expo.(2008.3.23 in Chinese)

The governor of Osaka prefecture adressed in the assembly that he would prohibit the sattfs' smoking in office hours to perevent neglecting their duties.(2008.3.20)

Mr, Kawamura, representitive, will give a lecture on tabacco issues at Osakaue public junior high school, HIno city ,Tokyo on Mar. 6th.(2008.2.27)

The first smoke-free restaurant chain in Beijing reported in the world going out of business, in fact the mumbers of customers increaseing (in chinese)(2008.2.12)

The stadium of Soccer East Asian Championship will be smoke free,Chongqing China(in Chinese)(2008.2.16).

Sheraton Hotels & Resorts will be smokeless.(2008.2.15)

Tokyo district court will advice reconcilliation in Kawamura's case.(2008.2.2)

Beijing's public space smoking-ban bill is shown on Beijng government's website.Smoking ban includes all restaurants in Beijing city and violation will be fined including Buisiness Owners and Employers.(2008.1.23).

Beijing's moking ban bill will make a public appearance after February.(2008.1.22)

Beijing will launch smoking regulations including restarurants.(2008.1.18)

The source of the above news(China daily)

Smoking will be total-banned in Beijing Olympic facilities.(2007.11.27)

Mr. Ishihara the governor of Tokyo Metropolitan spoke in relation to The Tokyo MIchelin guide ,"The sushi restaurant I had been didn't get three stars, that's as a matter of cource. They were not smoke free. Can you enjoy your dinner with tobacco smoke? I complained to the owner and have never been there again."(The press intervier in Tokyo Metropolitan Government)(2007.11.23)

Smoking pub andlord loses licence(UK)(2007.11.21)

Study shows that smoking causes men's hair loss.(2007.11.20)

Officials in Belmont give final approval to smoking ban in apartments.(2007.10.12)

Taxes in Beijing will be fined.(2007.9.20)

Zhongshan city Guangzhou China will introduce total ban in reutaurants.(2007.9.7)

Chinse government Guowuyuan addressed that the smoking ban in public spaces would be legisrated till this year end.

Capital, L.A. ban smoking in parks(2008.8.10)

L.A.City Council votes to outlaw smoking at municipal parks.(2007.8.3)

Walt Disney Co. is trying to kick the cinematic smoking habit."A villain can be bad without smoking," Iger said. "Heroes can be cool without smoking."(2007.7.26)

Total ban on smoking in offices will be soon in INdia.(2007.7.22)

Taxies in Beijing were smoke-free.(2007.7.15 Please select you browser's encoding as shift=jis )

Kanagawa prefecture brought the budget for study of fmoke-free act in public spaces. Thisi is the first case in Japan.(2007.6.6)

Guangchou city, China will be smoke-free this year's end(2007.5.24)

Ninpo city fined a sidco for breaking smoke-free act.The first case after the act tooke effect.82007.5.24)

Mr.Bloomberg, Mayor of New York proposes preventing 100 million deaths from tobacco in The Lancet.(2007.5.19)

Edogawa ward denied the diagnosis of passive smoking disease and contested in litigation.(2007.5.16)

Beijing city announced the Olympic-related-facilities smoking-ban bill. Offenders will be fined.(2007.5.13)

Mr. Shigefumi Matsuzawa ,Governor of Kawagawa prefecuture expressed that he hoped that smoking-ban bill will pass in 2008.(20075.11)

Shanghai city, Cina starts the study to ban smoking restaurants etc by law.(2007.5.7)

General meeting wiill be hold on Jun. 2nd. Please make inquiry.(2007.5.6)

Smoking links to knee's cartilage loss and defects(2007.5.3)

Japanese supreme court denied the legal effects of obligation to prevent passeve smoking in the Kenko zoshin ho (Health promotion acts) and FTCT.The clause is a dead letter, now. But Mr. Kawamura goes on to change the situation.(200704.28)

Beijin city ,China orderd hotels and restaurants to be smoke-free(2007.4.26)

Health Official from China says Chian will ristricts smoking. soon.(2007.3.26)

Ibaraki prefecctral assemble decided in fabor of Tobacco industry's petitoin and orderd to stop bannning smoking in the government office building. What a shame!(2007.3.24)

Mr. Kawamura filed a lawsuit against Edogawa ward for compensation for passive smoke disease..(2007.3.23)

Smoking rate in N.YC. Women drops significantly. NYC health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Frieden said. ''And for tobacco companies, that's bad news.'' ''R.J. Reynolds' new products(Camel No. 9) are a shameless effort to reverse the gains women are making,'' In contrast,what are the Japanese leaders doing? Where is the Japanese shame culture? They are promoting tobacco for money.(2007.3.21)

Tobacco industry made a petition to governor of Tochigi prefecture for changeing 100% smoke-free policy in new government office building into building new smoking rooms.Japan tobacco company cited that they had been making public contribution by tobacco tax.(2007.3.21)

A federal Judge of Washington D.C. Says Tobacco Companies Can’t Use ‘Light’ Label Overseas(20023.18)

Ibaraki prefectural assembly grqnted tobbacco industry's petition for change 100% smoking city hall. City assembly will order to build smokingrooms in city hall, citing that tobacco tax contibuts govenment.(2007.3.15)

Mr. Oikawa , manager of Sekatsu shinko division Kumin section of Edogawa ward, told Kawamura that asking for smoke-free office is ridiculous and Kawamura is fomous in passive smoking trials , so he could be huffed. Like this, Mr. Oikawa boasted that Edogawa ward inflicted disadvanages on Kawamura.(2007.3.3)

U.S.A. cogress revives FDA's tobacco regulation as drug.(2007.2.17)

MIykonojyo City Assembly,Miyazaki prefecture,decided to withdraw total smoking ban policy in the City Hall in order to protect Tobacco industry(2006.12.27).

NIshinomiya City , Hyogo prefecture ,decided to abolish smoking rooms in the City Hall.There were many claims from citizens that smoking rooms could not prevent passive smoking.(2006.12.26)

Mayor of NYC’s Curb on Smoking Is Credited With Saving Lives(2006.12.24)

Smoking in enclosed public places will be banned in England from 1 July next year,smoking area is not allowed.(200612.1)

Hong Kong, China passed smoking-ban act.

But suspicion exists that backroom deals are made to allow smoking room.

Mayor Tada decided to make another new smoking room in the head ofiice building of Edogawa ward(2006.10.23)

Dr. Matuszaki wrote his view for Tokyo High court about the smoking rooms in the office buildings of Edogawa ward, and concluded that those smoking rooms are inefficient and can not prevent second-hand smoking and Mayor must abolish those smoking rooms.(2006.10.23)

Reserchers concluded that after smoking-ban in Colorado, Incidence of Acute Myocardial Infarction reduced, caused by reduction of second0hand smoke(2006.10.1).

Mayor of Edogawa city, Mr. Masami Tada adreesed in Edogawa city assembly that he thought he won Kawamura's case, so he didn't have to apology, taking no account of objection from a member of council.(Japanse only)(2006.10.1)

Kawamura is gonig to gave speech on his experiences and ideas about smoking at Nishi Tama Free University on Aug.19th(Sat)(2006.8.25)

Shizuoka city assembly adopted the petition to ban smoking on public streets. Violatores will be imposed within 50,000 yen correctional fine
This was response to a petition made by asthmatic junior high school student. He feels danger to smoking on streets.
So the aim of this prohibition is mainly to prevent passive smoking ,not danger of fire of tobacco like Chiyoda ward,
This is epoc-making.
This petition was made based on the medical evidences that smoke of outdoor smoking drifts at least 7 meters. So outdoor smoking must be done at least 7meters off from public space.(2006.7.12)

Surgeon general's report:There is NO risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure, with even brief exposure adversely affecting the cardiovascular and respiratory system. Only smoke-free environments effectively protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke exposure in indoor spaces. (2006.07.04)]

The smoking rate in baijing is dropping.The beijing city will strengthen action to be smoke-free.(2007.5.17)

Nagano prefecuture notified officers not to smoke in their office hours, because it is dereliction of their duty.(2006.4.23)

Tokyo High court authorized that Kawamura's uttarance that Mayor Tada should not relate to Japan Tobacco Company was defamation.(2006.3.24)

Edogawa ward mayor Masami Tada refused Kawamura'srequest to work under smoke-free environment again although Kawamura was diagnosed as passive smoke disease. Kawamura is likely to fell down.(2006.3.24)

Expert said that Dana Reeve was typical of non-smokers who fall victim to lung cancer contracted through passive smoking.

The headquarters building of Japanese ministry of Healht ,Labour and Welfare will be total-banned smoking at last(2006.03.09)

A Australian is gong to travel all over Japan on foot to appeal "no-smoking is love".(2006.02.27)

Tjimi city Gifu prefecture started to subsidize Medicol care for nonage to quit smoking.(2006.02.27)

China made the remarks at a meeting on the implementation of the World Health Organisation's Framework Convention on Tobacco Contro that China will restrict tobacco more strictly and try to make the Bejing Olympics smoke-free.(2006.02.09)

Masami Tada, Mayor of Edogawa ward answed in the assebly that it was my proud not to restrict tobacco.(2006.2.4)

Oregon court uphold verdict of punitive damages against Philip Morris(2006.2.3)

Kawamura submited a complaint under the 1503 procedure about passivesmoking environment in Edogawa ward office buigings(2006.2.3)

Moriyuki Kato, governor of Ehime prefecture smoked in hospital where smoking is anned. Ashtray was served by the hospital.This kind of man can be a governor ,this is Japanese woeful situation(2006.1.19)

Moriyuki Kato Governor of Ehime

New smoking rules went into effect in Chicaga,U.S.A(2006.1.19)

The Smoke Free Places Act took effect in Alberta from Jan. 1 in Alberta Canada(2006.1.19)

New Jersy (U.S.A)is to be smoke-free state,too.(2006.1.15)

Capital of U.S.A. will be smoke-free(2006.1.5)

Judge Akira Chino (Tokyo district court) ordered Kawamura to work under passive smoking in spite of university hosipial proffssor's medical cetificate saying that he must work under smoke-free because of passive smoking disease. The court said that whether passive smoking was harmful or not was not yet medically testified. Edogawa ward Mayor Masami Tada insisted that passive smoking is not harmful. (2005.12.25)

Edogawa ward assembly did not adopt Kawamura's petition for measurments for asbestos,because they thought it was unlikely to practice.(2005.12.10)

Edogawa ward cut Kawamura's pay because he became passive smoking disease(2005.12.10)

Indoor total ban and outdoor smoking room in Ngano prefectual office.(The purpose is to prptect from passive smoking outside)

Passive smoking is possible for those working where smoking is still allowed and those working where smoke may migrate from outdoor areas.(2005.12.1)

Japanese health insurance system may cover programs to help nicotine addicts give up smoking,now under debate.(2005.11.10)

Nagano prefecture is now promoting smoke-free restaurant.They started smoke-free restaurant registration system.Only perfect smoke-free restaurant can be registered. (2005.11.3)

Newly-elected members of Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP) of the House of representatives .decided to propose to ban smoking in meetings of LDP.(2005.10.19)

China ratified FCTC(2005.10.11)

17 States in U.S.A bans Smoking in Home to Protect Children (2005.8.6)

Kawamura made a petition to Edogawa ward for countermeasures on asbestos. But Edogawa ward have been putting presure on Kawamura.(2005.8.6)(Witten in Japanes only)


TV ads "Everyone Loves a Quitter" from NYC.(2005.7.23)

The City of New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has distributed 45,700 nicotine patch kits, reaching nearly one out of every 12 of New York City's heavy smokers as part of its latest nicotine patch program(2005.7.23)

Nonsmoker Wins Damages From Smoking Neighbor (Link to "ASH" 2005.7.23)

Americans' exposure to secondhand smoke has decreased dramatically, and lead blood levels in children continue to drop, according to a government report(2005.7.23)

How Philip Morris Neutralized The Medical Code For Secondhand Smoke (Link to "Health Affairs" 2005.7.23)

In experiments with mice, researchers have found that nicotine triggers the same neural pathways that give opiates such as heroin their addictively rewarding properties(Link to "Neuron",2005.6.17)

Deputy mayor of Edogawa city, Masahiko Ikezawa addressed that Edgawa city will build more smoking room and make smoking easier in the city hall building in consideration of smokers ,after FCTC went into force(2005.6.17).

Secondhand smoke is even worse than we thought: A new study suggests that even small amounts of secondhand smoke can cause life-threatening changes to a nonsmokers' circulatory system.(Link to "Circulation". 2005.05.31)

After the Smoke-Free Air Act of NYC went into effect on March 30, 2003, the City’s bar and restaurant industry is thriving and its workers are breathing cleaner, safer air.The data show that:(uped on 2005.4.29 as reference)

Kawamura went to Minstry of Health,Labour and Welfare on Mar. 11th. and was explained on his petition. The Mininstry of Health ,Labour and Welfare answed that the principal measure on smoking is indoor perfect smoke-free.The next step is to promote.(2005.3.23)

Kawamura visited Bureau of tobacco control of NYC.(uped on 2005.2.9)

Dr.Ymato,assosiate professor of University of Occupational and Environmental,Health Japan, evaluated the performance of smoking rooms in Edogawa City's government office buildings(2005.2.9)

The Nagano prefectual assembly unanimously decided to protest againt smoke-free poliicy introdeced by govenor Tanaka,and decided not to observe the policy. Increditable!(2005.1.18)

Kawamura ,victim of Hanshin Awasji earthquake desaster, prayed for those taken lives in the earthquake and prayed that the victims in disasters in all over the world can make recovery on 10th memorial day of Hanshin Awaji earthquake.(2005.1.17)

Edogawa city rejected Kawamura to mesure the wind-speed of the smoking rooms in Edogawa city's office buildings in order to check the leakage of the smoking rooms. So Kawamura filed lawsuits for compensaision for the refusal to the Tokyo summary court. on Dec 22th.(2004.12.28 carryed )

Kawamura visited Ministry of Health ,Labour and Welfare on Dec.22th to hear the answers about the petition kawamura addressed on Aug 24th for Japan adopting smoke-free policy.But he couldn't get agreeable ansewrs.Negotiation will continue.(2004.12.22).

Today,the 40th country has ratified FCTC.This Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day from today.(2004.12.01JST)

Edogawa city decided not to adopt Kawamura's proposal that is "Adopting policies based on FTCT" and give him another discriminatory treatment..(2004.11.26)

Edogawa city didin't apolize to Kawamura.Edogawa city said that threre in no need for aplogizeing,even if they lose the lawsuit.
What a man Mayor Masami Tada is.(2004.9.27)

Dr. matsuzaki M.D. who is one of the second-hand smoking specialists in Japan ,had various posts about tobacco related comitees inJapan and made great contributions to our suits,commented about Edogawa city second-hand smoking rulling,(2004.9.23)

What a magnificent waste of taxes! Edogawea city spent more than 4,740,000yen(44,000US $) in fiscal 2003 year ,to built smoking boxes only in main govenment office building. This expense is totally unnecessary, if only Edogawa city banned smoking in all area of government office buildings as Naganoprefecture government did. And ,these smoking boxes don't fill the standard which Health Promotion Act ordered.(2004.7.18)

Japan ratified FCTC.(2004.6.10)

The 2004 Surgeon General's Report on the Health Consequences of Smoking : Smoking harms nearly every organ of your body. It causes diseases and worsens your health.(2004.5.31)

FCTC was approved by the House of Coucilors. Japan will ratify FCTC.(2004.5.31)

The correct measures against second-hand smoke of Nagano prefecture.(2004.5.30)

Yasuo Tanaka ,governer of Nagano prefecture, decided to ban on smoking in all the area of Nagano prefecrure govenment includding sites. He is a geniine reformer in Japan. Governer Tanaka is very rational in comparison eith Msami Tada,mayor of Edogawa city,Takehisa Matusbara,mayor of Nagoya city.(2004.05.27)

Smoking does not protect against Alzheimer disease. It accelerates cognitive decline.(2004.05.12)

たばこ規制枠組条約の批准案が4月22日に衆議院を通過しました。憲法61条2項からして、今国会で条約が批准される可能性が極めて高くなりました。(The House of Representatives admitted to ratify FCTC. Under Japanese constitution, FCTC is very likery to be ratified in this session.)(2004年4月24日

東京地裁司法記者クラブより禁煙化につき回答がありました(2004年4月6日)(The press club in Tokyo district court answered to our request for banning smoking in their booths)

裁判官の新しい人事評価制度が施行されました。外部の声を裁判所へ届けましょう。(2004年4月4日)(New evaluation sysytem of judge personnel has started. Let's report outsiders' opinion.)

分煙では受動喫煙を防げません。区画の方法、換気の方法に関わらず、非喫煙場所での受動喫煙が発生します。たばこ対策として分煙を求めるのは誤りです。たばこ対策としては施設の全面禁煙を主張しなくてはいけません。(2004年4月2日)(Designated ‘‘no smoking’’ areas provide from partial to noprotection from environmental tobacco smoke(paper in Tobacco control). We must request for complete non-smoking ,not for making designated smoking area.)

東京高裁・地裁に対し、全館禁煙化を要請しました。裁判所側は消極的な答えで、板子は、さっき喫煙所で喫煙している者に確認したが、喫煙しているのは裁判所の職員であり、来庁者のためという名目で、職員の怠慢を許していると厳しく怠慢を指摘。場合によっては裁判所の喫煙所の環境を測定し、裁判所の法律違反を訴えるということも伝え、更に協議を続けることになりました。(2004年3月12日)(We requested Tokyo District Court to decide complete non-smoking of her building. But Tokyo District Court gave us an negative answer . Itako said that he confirmed the person who had been smoking in the smoking area was staffs of Tokyo District Court and pointed intensly that Tokyo District Court admits the laziness of her staffs. We told that we may sue for violating the law against Tokyo District Court. We and Tokyo District Court agreed that this negotiation continues.)

厚生労働省に対し、全館禁煙を要請しました。特に1階の喫煙所に関し、厚生労働省の分煙化基準を満たしていないものであるとして撤去を要請しました。特に長野県で即日全館禁煙ができたことからして、厚生労働省でも同様のことができるはずだと強く要請しました。厚生労働省側は返答はしなかったものの、趣旨を了承し、今後更に協議を続けることとなりました。(2004年3月12日)(We requested Ministry of Health ,Labour and Welfare for perfect smoke-free in their buildings. We especially requested for removing smoking room in their home office building, because of the leakage of ETS.We cited Nagno prefecture that banned smoking without extension and insisted they can do the same.The officers of Ministry of Health ,Labour and Welfare denied to answer,but said to us that they understood our intentions and approved to negotiate again.)

司法記者クラブへの禁煙の申し入れに対し、司法記者クラブは室内の禁煙化を決定した旨回答しました。しかし、これは、連絡会のメンバーの申し入れとは別に自主的に内部の合意として決定したもので、外部に公表するものではないとのことでした。河村は自主的にでなく健康増進法に基づくものであるべきであり、禁煙は記者クラブの責任者が交代しても維持されるものであるべきであるとして、文書での明確な回答を求めました。しかし、記者クラブ側は拒否しました。また、たばこのにおいのする記者クラブに対し、隠れて喫煙していないか確かめさせるよう申し入れたところ、取材の秘密を盾に拒否されました。そこで、庁舎管理権を有する裁判所に対し、記者クラブに対し、自主的にではなく、健康増進法に基づく禁煙を指示するよう要請し裁判所も了承しました。(2004年3月12日)The negative attitudes of the presses in Tokyo district court toward banning smoking in their booths and our another action)


たばこ規制枠組条約に日本が署名(Japan sigunitureed FCTC.)(Mar. 11th 2004)

東京都港区役所禁煙に(Minato city decided to ban smoking in her buildings)(Mar 11th,2004)

たばこ対策枠組み条約調印と江戸川区(2004年2月24日)(FCTC and Edogawa city's negative attitudes toward the convention)


れ(2004年2月8日)(We requested the presses in Tokyo district court for banning smoking in their booths by document.)




We accused Phillip Morris Ltd. of preparation of murders on July 15th. But Tokyo district public prosecutors dicided to dop the case in September. Then we are infomed of the reason of dropping the case on Jan 7th.That is "not guilty".We will apply for examination of Kensatsu SInsakai,Japanise institution to examin the judge of dropping cases by public prosecutor , by general public chosen by lots.(Jan 20th)

Edogawa city denied Kawamura's poposal as government officer about adopting counter-tobacco policy based on WHO's FTCT on Dec 2th.And also denied propasal about promoting LINUX. Edogawa city seems to face Kawamura with denying all attitudes in additon to tobacco..And he was discriminated again this year on promotion and wage raise .



外務省 元デンバー総領事 水谷周の公金横領などについて東京地検は5月30日不起訴処分としました。職場喫煙問題連絡会のメンバーは、2003年6月23日に東京地検特捜部より、この経緯の説明を受けてきました。しかし、処分に納得がゆかず、検察審査会に審査の申立をしました。(10月5日)

Astonishing facts was uncoverd.Chief judge is the man whom Kawamura accused of judicial corruption about Leakage of secrets incidents in Fukuoka district public prosecuter's office(2003.6.4)




WHO2001年世界禁煙デーアピール  受動喫煙に安全量はないことを知りましょう。極めて危険な物質なのです
















こんどは痴漢! 神戸地裁所長(8月30日現在)を弾劾裁判所へ訴追請求(9月6日)

東京高等裁判所 村木買春判事の弾劾裁判所への訴追が決定される(8月13日)





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